Improv, Intuition, and Insight: The Art of Leading Multidimensionally
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There is no better break in our busy work day than to engage in spiritual and playful activities that raise our consciousness and encourage us to think differently about the way we lead.
Last week I joined a group of spiritually-aligned changemakers that all met for the Multidimensional Leaders Improv Games. This gathering was led by the founder, Michele Parad. What a fun, soulful and energetic exploration!
The heart of the conversation centered around the evolving definition of a multidimensional leader. Michele, the visionary behind this movement, encouraged everyone to share what being a multidimensional leader means to them in a word or two. Responses like "energetics," “layered, "expansion," "being plugged into spirit," and "higher dimensional consciousness" filled the chat, setting the tone for an open discussion on what it actually means to be a multidimensional leader.
As each person shared their insights, Michele shared her passion for researching and understanding the unique abilities that differentiate multidimensional leaders. She posed an interesting question…
How can we measure spiritual intuition or multidimensional thinking in leaders? Specifically, is there a way to know if this evolution of leadership is more effective than traditional leadership styles?
These questions sparked an animated discussion among participants, with ideas flowing about how leaders who embody spiritual intuition, empathy and self-awareness can thrive in today’s world. But we kept coming back to the question, are there actual metrics or an assessment that can measure these things?
Melanie Detry and Emilie Tydings, two community members, offered valuable insights on the intersection of intuition and leadership as well as suggestions for tools and assessments that measure different types of spiritual, emotional and social intelligences. I also recommended the Energy Leadership Index which measures our energy and the way we perceive the world using a measurement scale of 7 different energy levels.
After a deep dive into the qualities of multidimensional leadership, we transitioned into playful improv games designed to spark creativity and build connections. Michele led an imaginative exercise where everyone shared three animals they resonated with and why. I immediately thought of a puppy and its playfulness, a giraffe with its gracefulness and ability to see things from a higher view, and a horse with its powerful, but gentle energy. Little did we know, these animals would reveal something profound about how we perceive ourselves and how others might see them.Â
The second improv game had everyone picking an object from their environment and transforming it into a magical tool with a powerful story behind it. From invisibility cloaks to magic wands, each participant shared how their tool could cut through negative energy, create safe boundaries, or connect them with higher dimensions. This whimsical activity reminded everyone of the power of storytelling and how it can be harnessed in leadership to communicate deeper truths.
Our gathering ended with a soul-centered meditation, inviting participants to call in their "soul family"—those deeply aligned individuals we are meant to meet and collaborate with on our journey. Michele guided everyone through a visualization, helping us manifest connections with others who share our values, as well as calling in multidimensional leaders who are altruistic, vibrant, liberated and playful.Â
The world needs more leaders like that, right?
This visualization session left me with a sense of lightness, purpose, and alignment, knowing that I am part of a growing collective of multidimensional leaders committed to making a positive impact on the world.
As I left this empowering and uplifting event, I was reminded that I can infuse more fun, creativity, and spirituality into growing my business. These exercises, along with the magical tools that expanded our imagination, may have been exactly what we needed to evolve as multidimensional leaders.
Does this topic sound intriguing to you? Then you will love our CoCreators community - a group of spiritually minded and multidimensional leaders working together to grow ourselves and the world at large. With monthly happy hours, live workshops, a community forum and more, you will find ample opportunities to co-create and collaborate with like-minded leaders.